A Little About Us

“No one, including animals, deserves to be unwanted. If you want to be one of Freyja’s Friends, you are wanted.”

Meet Jennifer

I started with following the “adopt, don’t shop” rule for dogs and cats. Took in strays. Ever since I was young. I was passionate about animals, loving nature and beauty. Like the goddess Freyja. Fighting for what was worth fighting for: love. Animals give such pure and honest love.

As an adult, I finally got chickens. Soon after, I saw that there are a lot of people that get chickens and can’t handle them or their life changes or they just don’t want them. Those chickens came to me. Then the rabbits. The turkey being sold for thanksgiving? I bought it and she lives here now. Can’t keep your pigs? I guess I’ll take them…All in an urban setting!

I began to learn how these smaller farm animals are being sold alongside misinformation and being dumped when the truth came out. When the animals stopped being convenient or fashionable, people abandon them. My flock kept growing.

It became obvious we were a rescue. We kept fostering dogs, but it was the little farm animals that would come and stay. Time to register as a nonprofit. Freyja’s Friends Small Farm Animal Rescue and Sanctuary.

The next obvious step was to get some farmable land. We found it here in Lake Matthews, California. Finally, I could take in roosters and save their lives! Goats! No more zoning issues! There’s more space and, with time, there will be areas for ducks and more pigs and goats and whatever else people don’t want anymore.

Also, if I care about the animals, I better take care of the land they live on, right? Besides, Lake Matthews is far off the beaten path. Time to repurpose! Regrowing food from discarded food, making safe cleaner and toiletries…Okay, I did these things in the urban setting, too. But, now, it’s vital! Time to teach others!

And since we’re off the beaten path, people can come to the sanctuary for sanctuary. A safe place to be. An honest day’s work with these animals that are just that: honest. Not perfect. Honest.

No one, including animals, deserves to be unwanted. If you want to be one of Freyja’s Friends, you are wanted. Help us help them help you. Be a part of building and maintaining something worthwhile. Be worthwhile. Be one of Freyja’s Friends.